Not everyone has experience caring for those with, or personally dealing with, health conditions affecting their daily lives.
There is a wealth of information available, and most of us wouldn’t know where to start!
This page aims to be a one-stop resource for programs offered by governmental agencies and non-profits that are associated with medical alerts, related support, assistance and funding.
Currently, only programs available in the province of Alberta are featured. We hope to expand this section to include other provinces, an on-going process. If you would like to inform us of programs that you find helpful but are not listed here, contact us and we will share them with everyone.
Sources of Funding Programs for Seniors Home Care and Respite Programs Mental Health Supports
Home Living Supports Recreation Programs and Support for Care Givers Housing Options
These links are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by Good Samaritan TeleCare® of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation or organization or individual. Good Samaritan TeleCare® bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content. Any reliance you place on such material is, therefore, strictly at your own risk.
Sources of Funding
Good Samaritan TeleCare Hardship Fund
Call 1-800-676-8397 for details
Alberta Special Needs Assistance for Seniors
Eligibility Criteria and Eligible Items (Scroll to Personal response service for medical alert funding)
Special Needs Assistance for Seniors Information Booklet March 2020
Other Alberta Seniors Financial Assistance programs
Senior Home Adaptation and Repair Program (SHARP)
AISH: Assured Income for Severely Handicapped
Programs for Seniors
Adult Day Programs
Programs that provide care and supervision in a protective setting for dependent adults living in the community during some portion of a 24-hour day. Services may include social and recreational activities, training that is essential for sustaining activities of daily living, hot meals as appropriate, and other health and related services.
Adult Day Program Centres
Programs that provide care and supervision in licensed group facilities for dependent adults during some portion of a 24-hour day. Services may include social and recreational activities, training that is essential for sustaining activities of daily living and hot meals, as appropriate.
Adult Day Health Program
Day care centres that provide health and related services as well as care and supervision for adults who require physical rehabilitation, dementia management or other condition-specific forms of assistance on a limited but regular basis and who would be at risk of entering a skilled nursing or intermediate care facility without the support of this type of centre. Ancillary services usually include meals and limited social activities.
Home Care and Respite Programs
- Home Care helps people remain well, safe and independent in their home for as long as possible.
- Home Care philosophy promotes client independence, and supplements care and supports provided by families and community services.
- In addition, clients may be eligible for basic housekeeping services for a fee.
Self-Managed Care Alberta
CHOICE Program (Comprehensive Home Option for Integrated Care of the Elderly)
Provides seniors with complex medical conditions (who might otherwise be eligible for admission to a continuing care centre) the advantage of living at home by utilizing the support services made available at the site.
Led by a multi-disciplinary team including a physician, social worker, chaplain, nurse, rehabilitation therapists, dietitian and other health care workers who work with a program manager, participants come to the centres to access a broad range of services.
The Good Samaritan Society CHOICE Program
Good Samaritan Place
8425-83 Street, Edmonton AB
Good Samaritan Dr. Gerald Zetter Centre
9649-71 Avenue, Edmonton AB
Capital Care CHOICE Program
CHOICE Dickinsfield
14225 – 94 Street Edmonton, Alberta T5E 6C6
CHOICE Norwood
10404 – 111 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T5G 3A2
CHOICE Mental Health
14504 – 118 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5X 1T3
Adult In-Home Respite Care
Programs that provide a brief period of rest or relief for family members, guardians or others who are regular caregivers for dependent adults by offering temporary or intermittent care for the adult in their own home.
Adult Out-of-Home Respite Care
Programs that provide a brief period of rest or relief for family members, guardians or others who are regular caregivers for dependent adults by offering temporary or intermittent care for the adult in a community setting/facility.
Respite Care Programs
Programs that cover all or a portion of the cost of respite care in the home or in community settings/facilities in situations where family members, guardians or other caregivers need a brief period of rest or relief from their care giving responsibilities. Families generally select their own provider, negotiate their own rates and set their own schedules.
Respite Care Subsidy
Mental Health Supports
Home Living Supports
Supported Living Services for Adults with Disabilities
Programs for adults with developmental disabilities, sensory impairments, physical disabilities, emotional problems or multiple disabilities who do not require 24-hour supervision. Providing a highly individualized, coordinated system of services and supports which facilitates their ability to live in their own homes or apartments, to hire and supervise paid caregivers, to work in the community, to participate in community activities and to interact with non-disabled neighbours. A supported living agency may help the individual hire and supervise an attendant; develop a budget and pay bills on time; learn to shop and cook or hire someone to prepare meals for them; remember to take necessary medication; schedule medical appointments and get to the doctor’s office; advertise for and select a roommate; make their living space barrier-free; learn about relationships, sexuality and parenting; select recreational pursuits that are personally satisfying; and accomplish other similar activities of daily living.
Aids to Daily Living
In Home Meal Preparation
Programs that offer the services of homemakers who prepare and serve meals in the homes of frail elderly individuals, people with a disability or others who are unable to prepare their own food or leave their homes to travel to a site where a congregate meal is being served.
Errand Running/Shopping Assistance
Programs that offer the services of individuals who are available to make short trips to purchase groceries, pick up prescriptions, withdraw or deposit money in the bank, drop off or retrieve laundry and do other small tasks for older adults, people with disabilities and other individuals who cannot leave their homes or are otherwise unable or prefer not to perform these tasks for themselves.
Housekeeping Assistance
Programs that offer the services of workers who go into people’s homes and help with house cleaning chores.
Moving Services
Programs that provide cash grants for people who cannot make a necessary move without assistance. Moving expense assistance programs may have age, income, disability, need or other eligibility requirements.
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Personal Care Supports
Senior Ride Programs
Programs that provide door-to-door (or curb-to-curb) transportation for purposes of medical appointments, shopping, banking, social events, and other similar activities for older adults who need special accommodations.
Seniors and Older Adults — Transportation
Programs that offer information about seniors’ transit passes, parking placards for persons with disabilities, and Disabled Adult Transit Service (DATS). Also includes information about programs that provide door-to-door transportation for purposes of medical appointments, shopping, banking, and other activities.
Fall Prevention Programs
Seniors and Older Adults — Senior Centres / Groups
Multipurpose centres that serve as focal points for older adults in the community, and which offer, at a single location, a wide variety of services and activities that are needed by and of interest to seniors and older adults.
Recreation Centres
Centres, often operated by the local community department of parks and recreation, that offer, at a single location, a variety of recreational facilities such as athletic fields and courts, a gymnasium, a swimming pool and locker facilities. Recreation centres usually offer an organized program of activities for community residents and provide all necessary equipment.
Alberta 55 Plus
Sports and recreation for Albertans 55 years and older.
Programs and Support for Care Givers
Government Assistance for Caregivers
Funding available for Caregivers
Alberta Government — Family, social and caregiver supports
Alberta Caregiver College — A resource and education program that teaches caregivers how to meet the needs of a loved one with an injury, illness or disability
Housing Options
Good Samaritan Seniors Housing Options
Alberta Seniors Communities & Housing Association (ASCHA) — Searchable online housing directory
Seniors Housing Alberta — Searchable online housing directory